Zygmunt Ryznar Year 3333

For centuries there have been a number of disturbing changes on earth, such as excessive warming (resulting in melting ice at the poles), smog, litter in the seas and oceans, and increasingvolcanic eruptions. Being in the Earth's atmosphere from a high altitude, you can see that ourplanet is covered with only two oceans separated by a high rock uplift probably formed from theviolent collision of tectonic plates and lava flows. The terrestrial portion has been minimized due toa significant rise in water levels, and the small islands of Oceania have been completely flooded. 


From the United States, the Rocky Mountains and the Colorado highlands with their land ofcanyons remained in view. The eruption of the mighty volcano at Yellowstone not only dried up the lake and floodplains, but covered almost all the remaining land (except part of Alaska) includingCanada with lava and ash. Thus, the same event as 50 million years ago was repeated. Except that back then the area was not yet the main habitat for bison and many other unique animals. The African continent was not spared either. All that remains on it are the remnants ofKilimanjaro's snow and vast deserts. The Nile had dried up, so there were no crops on the fertilefloodplains. Famine and numerous self-modifying viruses overcame the inhabitants. The Red Sea became a permanent salt deposit and the existence of the Suez Canal made no sense, especially since the volcanic eruption at Gibraltar closed the strait, making it impossible to enter the Mediterranean.


 There were many different phenomena in Europe, but this is not the place to discuss them.On a closer look, we can mention the Baltic Sea, turned by the coastal countries into a reservoir of plastic packaging and a storehouse of nuclear waste. In cities, there were no housing estates, once so popular, only a forest of skyscrapers - built in excess during the period of prosperity - gradually turning into skeletal vacant buildings due to depletion of residents, wear and tear and lack of maintenance. The dictate of convenience prevailed. There was no willingness to cooperate. Everyone wasbasically satisfied with just themselves (plus computers and electronic gadgets). Streets disappeared. Transport traffic was carried out only by air with the help of "car" drones powered by space energy. Such virtual streets did not require labor-intensive and expensive construction, just proper spatial navigation. And there was no shortage of space. So common sense finally spoke here. Stores and shopping walks in hypermarkets made no sense, because stationary sales disappeared. All purchases were made online and delivered by drones to rooftops and balconies.


 Max was personally curious to see what Krakow, with which he was connected sincechildhood, looked like. It is known that the nature hates changes. The city had an appearancesimilar to that of the 10th century. The Vistula returned to its old riverbed - it surrounded Wawel Castle and flowed through Grzegórzki, along Dietla Street and the main artery, Aleje Trzech Wieszczy. There were no longer 168 churches, only one Wawel Cathedral for celebrating important ceremonies. Everyone carried (as they wished) God within themselves and communicated with Him directly.


 Individuals on earth were very tall - 230-250 cm tall - according to statistics thatevery hundred years added 7-10 cm. Tall but stooped, because the spines could not bear the weight.It was as if man was returning to the four-legged mode as in the early stages of his existence! The weight of their bodies was considerable, as the saturation of electronically controlled mechanics was beyond measure. They were already hybrids - biological robots whose brains had direct coupling with embedded electronic memory, and whose limbs were repaired not by surgery but bythe delivery of spare parts. A characteristic feature of this population was the complete absence of blind individuals.Progress in neuroprosthetics after 2050 was so significant that there was no problem to installnanoelectrodes for a bundle of several million nerve threads connecting the brain to the biological or electronic eye (in the case of individuals blind from birth). The development of an ocular neuroprosthesis began in the US in 2021 and cost several billion dollars. This technology was also applied to treat humanoids.Thus, the dreams of biological neuroengineering, working on brain impulses since the 1920s, were realized. The advent of fast and memory-capable computers a few decades later dramatically accelerated this work, led to the discovery and mapping of many brain neural networks (in 2020 only 10 of them were known) and the construction of intelligent BCI (Brain Computer Interface) links equipped with learning neural networks. 

The full picture of the European continent is difficult to capture. For example, many nuclear power plants were once built and fulfilled their roles both energetically and destructively (in emergencies, earthquakes and tsunamis). In some areas, the landscape "as after a biochemical battle" - many casualties few alive. People died not only from radiation. Many died from pestilence, lack of spare parts (due to patent war between manufacturers) or climate change due to solar eruptions. There have always been elites and masses. Many of the wealthiest have moved out of their high-rise apartments and reside on the saving (because nearby) moon and the planet Mars. Interplanetary communication vehicles and ambulances can occasionally be heard flying between them. They avoid earth like the plague and they are literally right!


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